Thursday, August 14, 2008

This Guy

So there is this guy that I met, he is such an amazing guy. One of my friends dated him for two and a half years and a bunch of stuff happened and they broke up. It is still going on and they have a restraining order on each other so it is hard to be friends with both. I like him a lot and i'm so scared because I don't want to loose her as a friend because all of her other friends betrayed her and tried to get with him and stuff but we both like each other a lot and when we are around one another he makes me happier than i have been in a long time. It is one of the best feelings and my ex treated me good but then it all went downhill and we fought day and night twenty-four seven. I love getting treated so well and loved because like i said i don't always get treated like this. Last night he hung out at my house and we just watched movies and cuddled it was amazing...i don't know what i should do because i like him so much and he likes me but yet i'm still friends with his ex and all her other friends betrayed her and went with him but i get treated so good by him and feel so loved and cared about. What should I do does anyone have advice cause i'm sort of in a situation idk what to do..

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